This Dentist Analyzed The Teeth Of The 2016 Presidential Candidates

This Dentist Analyzed The Teeth Of The 2016 Presidential Candidates

This dentist on Reddit who apparently had some free time decided to analyze the teeth of each of the 2016 democratic presidential candidates to see what kind of dental work they've undergone in the past. Hillary Clinton didn't fair so well with a couple crowns on her front teeth, but that's nothing compared to the work Joe Biden has done with pretty much all of his front teeth being crowns. Of course Obama's teeth are all perfect, and Bernie Sanders had a bit of work done too.
Although this really does nothing to show what each politician stands for, anything about their voting records, or really anything anyone might care about, but it does give you a glimpse of how much money they've invested in their looks whether the procedures needed to be done or was just a way to get some better looking teeth.
Check out the full dental analysis of each of the 2016 democratic presidential candidates below.

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