2016 Jun VDW Mtwo: Root Canal Preparation

Simultaneous Shaping
Mtwo cuts both on penetration and laterally. The instrument advances automatically from coronal towards apical, supported by the brushing file movement. The brushing file movement is used, when resistance is felt during progression. The instrument is pulled back 1 – 2 mm and the file is used in a brushing movement with light lateral pressure against the canal wall. This creates space for the instrument to progress automatically
towards apical without pressure involved. The root canal is thus prepared to full working length by each instrument.
Root canal preparation is a preliminary treatment to remove the decay and the source of infection of the pulp is necessary, along with a determination of whether the lost tooth structure can be restored. If a fracture of the tooth has reached the pulp, or infection is associated with gum disease, it could be more difficult, if not impossible, to save the tooth.

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