Dentistry World Over is going through a mixed rough patch.
Some areas it is booming and some area it is not.
Specially in the urban sectors dentistry is going through a rough patch due to over saturation.
But on a world scale dentistry is still in the list of top 5 highest paying jobs. If we though that the senior dentists in our country are earning a lot then just have a look at these dentists from different parts of the world.
You will be amazed with the lifestyle they have and the amount of money they earn and spend.
It’s Just Insane.

dental care in america is expensive

The life these rich dentists maintain is no less than any of the kings we read in our history book.

But please do remember, all of them worked very very hard and meticulously to reach the tip of the wealth they possess now.

Lets start … Meet Dr. Herman

Yes 35 Million Dollars !!!! 

See Next Slide 

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