New materials allow us to improve our restorations making them look natural in a very fast way and without too many difficulties. In this case we present a class I made with new bulk fill material in only one increment obtaining a result feasible, teachable, and repeatable

Initial situation of an old restoration that produces some pain and discomfort in a female patient
Selective etching of the cavity preparation during 15 seconds with 37% orthophosphoric acid
this approach allows us to dry the enamel while we maintain dentin without etching
We apply three coats of universal adhesive system to auto-etch the dentin and bond to dentin and enamel in a proper way
every layer of adhesive must be evaporated with air and suction to eliminate solvent and obtain better results
application of A2 color of Bulk Fill Posterior in one increment
with the help of LM Arte instruments and brushes we model the occlusal surface of the molar
immediate result without characterization with tints
ochre tint to simulate natural aspect of the molar
pre polishing with yellow spiral disc
polishing with white spiral disc
immediate result
checking occlusion, first we use a 400 microns paper to allow the tint to stick to the teeth
then we apply the thin paper of 40 microns to make the adjustment
review two weeks after
the process for the restoration is really shorten by this technique. from initial situation till checking the occlusion including documentation took 32 minutes
Bulk fill materials are a very good option to make our daily dentistry easy and secure, giving our patients good results and with guarantee
1- Hirata, R. Kabbach, W. de Andrade, O. Bonfante, E.A.
Traditional Layering Vs. Modified Bulk Filling. Two Techniques for Posterior Composite Restorations
Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry Winter 2015;30(4) 120-133

2- Scolavino S., Paolone G., Orsini G., Devoto W., Putignano A. The simultaneous modeling technique. Int J Esthet Dent 2016;11:2-25

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